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No. 6 (2010)ArticlePaccekabuddhas in the Isigili-sutta and its Ekottarika-àgama ParallelDetails  PDF
Anālayo, Bhikkhu
No. 1 (2005)News and ViewsPali as a Living LanguageDetails  PDF
No. 18 (2023)Book ReviewPali, the Language: The Medium and the MessageDetails  PDF
Clossey, Luke
No. 1 (2005)OtherPariyatti, paṭipatti and paṭivedhaDetails  PDF
Sugunasiri, Suwanda H.J.
No. 14 (2019)News and ViewsPerceiving the Change of China through the Scope of BuddhismDetails  PDF
He, Shuyue
No. 14 (2019)News and ViewsPlaces to Go, Things to Do: A Report of the Research in Religious Studies Conference at the University of LethbridgeDetails  PDF
Mitchell, MaggieGandhi, RutikaChan, Emmett
No. 15 (2020)ArticlePragmatism, Institutionalism, and Buddhism: Toward a Synthesis for Socially Engaged Buddhist EconomicsDetails  PDF
Magnuson, Joel
No. 15 (2020)News and ViewsPremodern Japanese Studies International Conference at McGill, 10-11 October 2019Details  PDF
No. 12 (2017)Book ReviewReading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts: An Elementary Grammatical GuideDetails  PDF
Nanda, Jnan
No. 2 (2006)ArticleRecollecting and Envisioning: Buddha in Theravāda and Mahāyāna PracticeDetails  PDF
Sumegi, Angela
No. 14 (2019)News and ViewsReconstructing Ānanda’s Grief in the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra: A Lecture by Dr. Charles Li at UBC, March 14, 2018Details  PDF
Mitchell, Maggie
No. 16 (2021)News and ViewsReflecting on Anti-Asian Racism in North American Sanghas Details  PDF
Simonds, Colin H.
No. 14 (2019)News and ViewsReflection on “Buddhism in Indonesia:” A Talk by Prof. Philip Buckley at McGill UniversityDetails  PDF
He, ShuyueLi, Jingjing
No. 14 (2019)News and ViewsReflection on Professor James Robson’s Talk “Buddhism and Daoism in Medieval China”Details  PDF
He, ShuyueLi, Jingjing
No. 15 (2020)News and ViewsReflections on Attending the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (2019)Details  PDF
Altenburg, Gerjan
No. 15 (2020)Book ReviewReincarnation in Tibetan BuddhismDetails  PDF
Simonds, Colin H.
No. 15 (2020)News and ViewsReligion and Politics in Bhutan: An Interview with Dagmar SchwerkDetails  PDF
Le, Ngoc B.
No. 7 (2011)MemorialRev. Dr. Leslie KawamuraDetails  PDF
No. 7 (2011)ArticleRight View and the Scheme of the Four Truths in Early Buddhism − The Saṃyukta-āgama Parallel to the Sammādiṭṭhi-sutta and the Simile of the Four Skills of a PhysicianDetails  PDF
Anālayo, Bhikkhu
No. 9 (2013)ArticleSakyadhita Canada Branching OutDetails  PDF
Fenn, Mavis
No. 2 (2006)ArticleSakyadhita: Buddhist Women in a Transnational ForumDetails  PDF
Koppedrayer, Kay

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