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No. 14 (2019)Book ReviewEducating Monks: Minority Buddhism on China’s Southwest BorderDetails  PDF
Nguyen, Dat Manh
No. 12 (2017)News and ViewsEmptiness and the Perfection of Wisdom: A Reflection on Venerable Chang Wu’s Lecture “The Diamond Sutra: How It Applies to Our Lives,” held on February 9th, 2017 at the University of CalgaryDetails  PDF
Pirbhai, Hassan
No. 13 (2018)News and ViewsEngaged Mindfulness, A Talk by Dr. Fleet Maull at McGill UniversityDetails  PDF
Stenzel, Julia
No. 3 (2007)ArticleEntrepreneurial Action: Enacting Buddhist Economics in the SmallDetails  PDF
Valliere, Dave
No. 16 (2021)Book ReviewEsoteric Theravada: The Story of the Forgotten Meditation Tradition of Southeast Asia Details  PDF
Scott, Tony
No. 18 (2023)ArticleEthics of Enhancement: How Transhumanism and Buddhism Could Shape the Future of Moral Development.Details  PDF
Brady, Ryan
No. 18 (2023)ArticleExpanding Sentience: Tibetan Buddhism and the Possibility of Plant, Bacteria, and AI SentienceDetails  PDF
Simonds, Colin H.
No. 10 (2014)ArticleExploring the Four Satipaṭṭhānas in Study and PracticeDetails  PDF
Anālayo, Bhikkhu
No. 1 (2005)ArticleFoundations of MindfulnessDetails  PDF
No. 13 (2018)ArticleFresh Bread from an Old Recipe: Chögyam Trungpa’s Transmission of Buddhism to North America, 1970–1977Details  PDF
Jones, Ryan
No. 11 (2016)EditorialFrom the EditorDetails  PDF
No. 18 (2023)ArticleGuest Editors' Introduction Details  PDF
Adam, MartinBerman, Michael
No. 2 (2006)OtherHerbert Guenther: Striving for Insight and UnderstandingDetails  PDF
Guenther, Ilse
No. 12 (2017)News and ViewsHH Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa on The Relevance of Tibetan Buddhism in the 21st CenturyDetails  PDF
Zhao, Alice
No. 13 (2018)News and ViewsHyecho’s Journey: A Reflection on the 2017 Inaugural Public Lecture by Professor Donald Lopez at the University of TorontoDetails  PDF
Beaudoin, Crystal Marie
No. 15 (2020)News and ViewsIn the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art and Social Practice (October 25-27, 2019): A research convening reportDetails  PDF
DiMaio, Marina
No. 2 (2006)ArticleInherited Buddhists and Acquired BuddhistsDetails  PDF
Sugunasiri, Suwanda H.J.
No. 15 (2020)OtherIntroductionDetails  PDF
Adamek, Wendi
No. 17 (2022)ArticleIntroduction to the Special Issue on “Applied Buddhism: Past and Present”Details  PDF
Shiu, C.H. Henry
No. 3 (2007)ArticleLa médecine au service du pouvoir angkorien: Universités monastiques, transmission du savoir et formation médicale sous le règne de Jayavarman VII (1181-1220 A.D.)Details  PDF
Chhem, Rethy K.
No. 12 (2017)News and ViewsLike Children Lost in Limbo: Reflections on Dr. Jessica Main’s Talk at UBCDetails  PDF
Collins, Casey
No. 11 (2016)Book ReviewLotus Petals in the Snow Voices of Canadian Buddhist WomenDetails  PDF
Beek, Kimberly
No. 11 (2016)News and ViewsMadness and Buddhist Compassion – A Talk by Dr. Mark Unno (UBC, March 21, 2016)Details  PDF
Zhao, Alice
No. 4 (2008)ArticleMahāyāna Buddhist Attitudes Towards AnimalsDetails  PDF

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