The Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies is now accepting applications to review books for the 20th issue (2025).
We prioritise reviews of scholarly books about Canadian Buddhism; reviews of books written by Canadian or Canada-based scholars of Buddhism; and reviews written by Canadian scholars (particularly graduate students at Canadian universities). We encourage you to consider reviewing the titles above, or any of the titles listed in this spreadsheet. To express interest in reviewing any of these titles, please fill out this form by 1 May 2025. After this date, we can no longer guarantee that your review copy will arrive in a timely manner.
For any further inquiries, or to alert us to the publication of a relevant book not yet on our list, please contact the Book Review Editor, Geethika Dharmasinghe, at
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be made by email to our Book Review Editor:
The target length of your initial submission should be 2,000 words, including notes and references. Manuscripts over 2,500 words will be returned for further editing.
Canadian Journal for Buddhist Studies follows the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed., 2017) for most matters of style, including hyphenation, capitalization, punctuation, abbreviations, and grammar, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed., 2003) for spelling. All text (including transliteration) should be in Gentium Plus true type font.
Pali and Sanskrit text should be in Nirmala UI, Chinese characters in PMingLiU, and Tibetan text in Microsoft Himalaya. Manuscripts must be double-spaced and in a 12-point font; this applies to block quotes and excerpts, notes, and references. Margins throughout the manuscript should be set at 1 inch.
Citations and reference lists should use Chicago’s author-date format. Sources appearing in the references list must be cited in text and vice versa. In text, references are cited in parentheses, with last name(s), year of publication, and page numbers for direct quotations. The references list should be ordered alphabetically by author’s last name. If possible, please provide digital object identifier (DOIs) for all journal articles.